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This work is a documentation - day by day - of the sunrise.
At first, the registration of the same point (my residence), and then the path from the case to work.
Urban landscapes and details that we let go unnoticed, even if they are "in our eyes" and we don´ t stop to enjoy them, not even for a few seconds.
I add images of flowers, the moon and a few more clicks.
The photos are taken by the camera of the cell phone; the photos of the moon are taken with a cell phone attached to a 60mm telescope.
The photos are natural, without any treatment; I just do a better framing and zoom.
Gilmar de Moura Gaspar
R. Gonzaga Assis Moraes, 475
Jardim Acácias
14140-000 - Cravinhos - SP
Frequency of publication: monthly
Platform of distribution: PDF
Site of this publication and previous: