Cobol, Micro Focus 32, dicas
Usando Comandos D.O.S.
Ativa Mouse
Tratamento Janelas
Tratamento Sombras
Registro Bloqueado
Leitura Teclado
Caracter Maiusculo
Tabela Cores
String (concatenar)
Receber Parametros D.O.S.
Altera Path atual
Ler diretorio Atual
Arquivo temporario em memoria
Usando Comandos D.O.S.:
01 ws-x91. 03 ws-x91resultado pic 9(02) comp-x value zeroes. 03 ws-x91funcao pic 9(02) comp-x value 15. 03 ws-x91param. 05 ws-x91param1 pic 9(02) comp-x value 12. 05 ws-x91param2 pic x(12) value spaces. 05 ws-x91param2-r redefines ws-x91param2. 07 ws-x91param2n pic x(08). 07 ws-x91param2e pic x(04). 01 ws-resultado pic x(01) comp-x. 01 ws-funcao pic x(01) comp-x value 35. 01 ws-comando. 02 ws-comando1 pic x(01) comp-x value zeroes. 01 ws-linha-comando pic x(24) value spaces. 01 ws-linha-comando-r redefines ws-linha-comando. 02 ws-linha-cmd1 pic x(05). 02 ws-linha-cmd2 pic x(12). 02 ws-linha-cmd3 pic x(07). . . . move 'type ' to ws-linha-cmd1 move label-fprn to ws-linha-cmd2 move ' > lpt1' to ws-linha-cmd3 display ws-linha-comando upon command-line call x"91" using ws-resultado ws-funcao ws-comando.
Ativa Mouse:
. . . 03 ws-mouse-detalhe pic 9(02) comp-x value 67. 03 ws-mouse-posicao. 05 ws-mposx pic 9(04) comp-x. 05 ws-mposy pic 9(04) comp-x. 05 ws-mstatus pic 9(04) comp-x. 03 ws-mouse. 05 ws-mouse-funcao pic 9(02) comp-x. 05 ws-mouse-param pic 9(02) comp-x. . . . move 64 to ws-mouse-funcao. move 1 to ws-mouse-param. call x"af" using ws-mouse-funcao ws-mouse-param. move 66 to ws-mouse-funcao. call x"af" using ws-mouse-funcao ws-mouse-param. . . . accept t01-codigo. if pf-mouse go to r020-mouse-dados. if pf-esc go to r020-fim. if pf-up go to r020-fim. . . . r020-mouse-dados. call x'af' using ws-mouse-detalhe ws-mouse-posicao. add 1 to ws-mposy. add 1 to ws-mposx. if ws-mposy = 04 if ws-mposx = 75 or ws-mposx = 76 or ws-mposx = 77 go to r020-fim.
Tratamento Janelas:
. . . 01 ws-janela. 03 ws-jan-tela pic 9(0004) comp-x value 0. 03 ws-jan-buffer pic x(2000) value spaces. 03 ws-jan-atributos pic x(2000) value spaces. 03 ws-jan-tamanho pic 9(0004) comp-x value 2000. . . . call "CBL_READ_SCR_CHATTRS" using ws-jan-tela ws-jan-buffer ws-jan-atributos ws-jan-tamanho. display tela01. call "CBL_WRITE_SCR_CHATTRS" using ws-jan-tela ws-jan-buffer ws-jan-atributos ws-jan-tamanho.
Tratamento Sombras:
. . . 01 ws-tela-sombra. 03 ws-sombra-posicao. 05 ws-sombra-linha pic x(01) comp-x. 05 ws-sombra-coluna pic x(01) comp-x. 03 ws-sombra-atributo pic x(01) value x'08'. 03 ws-sombra-tamanho pic 9(04) comp-x value zeroes. . . . move 07 to ws-sombra-linha. move 69 to ws-sombra-coluna. move 01 to ws-sombra-tamanho. perform until ws-sombra-linha > 16 call 'cbl_write_scr_n_attr' using ws-sombra-posicao ws-sombra-atributo ws-sombra-tamanho add 1 to ws-sombra-linha end-perform. move 17 to ws-sombra-linha. move 09 to ws-sombra-coluna. move 61 to ws-sombra-tamanho. call 'cbl_write_scr_n_attr' using ws-sombra-posicao ws-sombra-atributo ws-sombra-tamanho.
Registro Bloqueado:
. . . select fcpcom assign to disk organization indexed access dynamic record com-key lock mode manual status fs-com. select fcpcom assign to disk organization indexed access dynamic record com-key lock mode exclusive status fs-com. . . . 03 fs-par pic x(02) value spaces. 03 fs-par-r redefines fs-par. 05 fs-par1 pic x(01). 05 fs-par2 pic 9(02) comp-x. . . . open input fpar. if fs-par not = '00' go to r002-finalizacao. move 1 to par-codigo. read fpar with lock. if fs-par not = '00' close fpar if fs-par1 = '9' if fs-par2 = 68 move 30 to ws-mens-tipo dos * call 'rmsg1' using ws-usuario ws-dados-mensagem dos * cancel 'rmsg1' win * call 'rmsg1w' using ws-usuario ws-dados-mensagem win * cancel 'rmsg1w' go to r001-parametro else move 3 to ws-mens-tipo dos * call 'rmsg1' using ws-usuario ws-dados-mensagem dos * cancel 'rmsg1' win * call 'rmsg1w' using ws-usuario ws-dados-mensagem win * cancel 'rmsg1w' go to r002-finalizacao. move par-casas-decimais to ws-decimais. move par-bloq-estoq-zero to ws-bloq-estoq-zero. close fpar. outro... 03 ws-fale-status. 05 ws-fale-status1 pic x(01) value zeroes. 05 ws-fale-status2 pic x(01) value zeroes. 05 ws-fale-status2-r redefines ws-fale-status2. 07 ws-fale-status3 pic 9(02) comp-x. 03 ws-status-cod pic 9(03) value zeroes. move zeroes to ws-status-cod. if ws-fale-status1 = '9' move ws-fale-status3 to ws-status-cod. read arquivo with no lock key is chave. if ws-fale-status1 not = '0' and ws-fale-status1 = '9' and ws-status-cod = 068 mensagem registro bloqueado.
03 ws-data-calendario pic x(21) value spaces. 03 ws-data-calendario-r redefines ws-data-calendario. 05 ws-calend-ano pic 9(04). 05 ws-calend-mes pic 9(02). 05 ws-calend-dia pic 9(02). 05 ws-calend-hora pic 9(06). 05 ws-calend-resto pic x(07). move function current-date to ws-data-calendario.
move high-values to chave start arq key is not greater chave read arq previous if status not = 00 go to fim
Leitura Teclado:
01 ws-codigo1 pic 9(04) value zeroes. 01 ws-caracter pic 9(02) comp-x. xxxx. call "cbl_read_kbd_char" using ws-caracter. move ws-caracter to ws-codigo1. if ws-codigo1 = zeroes go to xxxx. display (00, 00) ws-codigo1.
Caracter Maiusculo:
01 ws-fields. 03 ws-xxxxx pic x(40) value spaces. . . . call 'cbl_toupper' using ws-xxxx by value 040. on exception cancel 'cbl_toupper' display 'erro carregar rotina' not on exception cancel 'cbl_toupper'.
Tabela Cores:
background-color / foreground-color 0 - black 1 - blue 2 - green 3 - cyan 4 - red 5 - magenta 6 - brown or yellow 7 - white 03 ws-cfundo. 05 ws-fdo-fdo pic 9(02) value 00. 05 ws-fdo-car pic 9(02) value 07. 03 ws-cmov. 05 ws-mov-fdo pic 9(02) value 03. 05 ws-mov-car pic 9(02) value 00. 03 ws-copc. 05 ws-opc-fdo pic 9(02) value 01. 05 ws-opc-car pic 9(02) value 07. 03 ws-csel. 05 ws-sel-fdo pic 9(02) value 06. 05 ws-sel-car pic 9(02) value 07. 03 ws-cmsg. 05 ws-msg-fdo pic 9(02) value 00. 05 ws-msg-car pic 9(02) value 07.
String (concatenar):
03 ws-fields. 05 ws-path pic x(100) value spaces. 05 ws-label pic x(100) value spaces. 05 ws-saida pic x(100) value spaces. . . . move "c:\usr\cpd\" to ws-path. move "teste.dat" to ws-label. move spaces to ws-saida. String ws-path ws-label Delimited " " Into ws-saida End-String. display ws-saida at 0101. ****** resultado: c:\usr\cpd\teste.dat
Receber Parametro D.O.S.:
03 ws-fields. 05 ws-parametros pic x(100) value spaces. . . . move accept ws-parametros from command-line.
Altera Path Atual:
03 ws-AlteraPath. 05 ws-AlteraPathNew pic x(100). 05 ws-AlteraPathStatus pic x(002) comp-x value zeroes. . . . move "c:\usr\cpd\" to ws-AlteraPathNew. call 'Cbl_Change_Dir' using ws-AlteraPathNew returnig ws-AlteraPathStatus.
Ler diretorio Atual:
03 ws-ReadDir. 05 ws-path-name pic x(128). 05 ws-path-name-length pic x comp-x. 05 ws-status-code pic x(002) comp-5. call "Cbl_Read_Dir" using ws-path-name ws-path-name-length ws-status-code.
Arquivo temporario em memoria:
Converte IDXFORMAT"4" para LII (Microsoft Focus Level II format) xm rebuild 1fbai.dat, fbai.dat /s:MF4 /t:LII rebuild options: XM Micro Focus COBOL File Management Utility Version 3.4.23 Copyright (C) 1985-1996 Micro Focus Ltd. Conversion Usage: rebuild in-file,out-file [/s..][/o..][/r..][/t..][/k..][/c..][/i][/v] Reorganization of indexed file Usage: rebuild in-file,out-file [/c..][/x..][/i][/v][/d{/k}] Rebuild index Usage: rebuild in-file [/c..][/k..][/i][/v][/e][/q] Display file information Usage: rebuild in-file /n Validation of file Usage: rebuild in-file /f:[cn][dn] Options: /s:source format - index file format of input file MS1, MS2, MS2X, C-ISAM, LII, BTRV, MF or MF4 /t:target format - index file format of output file C-ISAM, LII, BTRV, MF or MF4 /o:organization[i] - for input file - s, r or i [i] for conversion to indexed output /r:Freclen /r:Vminrec-maxrec /k:{{keystart+keylen[,]}*[d][:]}* /x:keyofreference /i - display information /v - display running count /e - continue after duplicate key error /n - no output - just display file information /c:[dn][in] - compression - data or index d - n in range 0-255 i - n in range 0-7 (0 for no compression) /d - rebuild corrupt data file Fixes 9/18 problems. /q - quick rebuild, /i and /e options ignored /f:[cn][dn] - checks integrity of file c - level of checking to perform [0-63] + 1 - Check data file structure + 2 - Check free space [FSL] structure + 4 - Check FSL entries match data file + 8 - Check index file structure +16 - Check index and data match +32 - Check all keys against data file 63 - Do all checks n - level of messages to be displayed [0-5] 0 - No display 1 - Display errors