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A revista "Sunrise Brazil Photography Magazine" tem o objetivo principal de fazer foto documentação das primeiras horas do dia, com cliques que registram a diversidade de espécies, cores e formas, que a natureza nos presenteia diariamente, o nascer do sol, paisagens urbanas, a Lua terrestre, flores, entre outros cliques diversos.

Queremos mostrar os inúmeros detalhes da vida, ainda que sejam aqueles do percurso de casa ao trabalho, onde apresssados, não observamos e deixamos passar desapercebido muita beleza natural.

A "Sunrise Brazil Photography Magazine" quer convidá-lo a parar por alguns segundos, contemplando cada dia que se inicia, observar ao seu redor os detalhes, as plantas e suas formas, cores e aromas, os pássaros e seus cantos, os demais animais, o pôr do sol, a Lua nas suas diferentes formas de se apresentar... Acreditamos que os benefícios ao bem estar pessoal são muito maiores que o imaginável.


The "Sunrise Brazil Photography Magazine" has the main objective of making photo documentation of the first hours of the day, with clicks that register the diversity of species, colors and shapes, that nature presents us daily, the sunrise, urban landscapes, the terrestrial moon, flowers, among other diverse clicks.

We want to show the innumerable details of life, even if they are those of the journey from home to work, where we are in a hurry, we do not observe and let a lot of natural beauty go unnoticed.

"Sunrise Brazil Photography Magazine" wants to invite you to stop for a few seconds, contemplating each day that begins, observing around you the details, the plants and their shapes, colors and aromas, the birds and their songs, the other animals, the sunset, the moon in its different ways of presenting itself... We believe that the benefits to personal well-being are much greater than imaginable.


These terms and conditions of use establish that "e;Sunrise Brazil – Photography Magazine"e; provides you with access to the website and this magazine, please read carefully. By using the website and the magazine, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to comply with the terms. If you do not agree, you must immediately cease using the website and this magazine. "e;Sunrise Brazil – Photography Magazine"e; is providing this magazine in digital format (PDF); its original content can be accessed on the website emporiobrasil.eti.br.

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